Our Next Concert

Petite Messe solennelle


Our Next Concert is on Saturday 7 December, 2024
at 7:30pm at St Mary's Church, Aylesbury

We will be performing Rossini's Petite Messe Solennelle
in its original format accampanied on piano and harmonium.

The concert is directed by Jeff Stewart.

Tickets can be purchased at
    £18 for adults  (£20 on the door)
    £7 for under 18s  (£8 on the door)

Season tickets are also available for all three of ACS's concerts this year at...
    £50 for adults and £20 for under 18s
Season ticket holders will also qualify for a free programme at each concert.

Tickets can be purchased by clicking on the link above or by email from acschairman@aol.com or in person from choir members or by attending one of our rehearsals at The Church on Fairford Leys, Aylesbury on a Tuesday from 7:30 - 9:30pm.

OR, you can purchase your tickets online by clicking here...


For the translations of the latin texts used in the concert, please click here.